May 28: Info Webinar ICP Team Training 2024-2026

Our two-year Team Training starts again in October 2024 with the first training weekend. A two-year training for intercultural leadership teams that are just starting out or want to grow. More information about this training can be found here.

On Tuesday, May 28, we will organize an information webinar in which all information will be discussed and questions can be answered. Register here for this webinar if you have any doubts or specific questions. Email:

Read previously published articles about the ICP team training 2022-2024 here and discover what this training can do for you and your team.

Review of Team Training Weekend 4

Take big steps with Team Training!

Why the ICP Team Training?

Review of Team Training Weekend 3

Terugblik ICP Teamtraining Weekend 2

Terugblik 1ste Teamtrainingsweekend

June 14, 2024 – ICP Regional Lunch

On Friday, June 14, ICP NL is organizing a regional lunch in The Hague.

Our regional lunches are intended for pastors and pioneers who are building intercultural churches and want to join others in this particularly beautiful and challenging mission.

The regional lunch involves:

This time we are guests of Reverend Beppie Wessels of the NGK The Hague – the Havenkerk, a dynamic community in the colorful Schilderswijk.

We meet, share from our local ministries and there is time for prayer and encouragement. We have invited a speaker who will give us short and compact information about the theme ‘My Church, Our House’.

As a leader or driving force you have specific challenges and responsibilities. Let us support, build up and encourage each other in the Spirit of our Lord!


June 14, 2024

11:30 – 14:00

Om en Bij 116, 2512 XP DEN HAAG

Sign up FOR FREE:

Review of Team Training Weekend 4

The last weekend of the two-year ICP Team Training took place from April 11-13. We have enjoyed the entire journey and look forward to the fruit that will come from it.

With ten teams we started a special journey in October 2022. After two years we got to know each other better, we laughed and cried and we grew together and individually.

As ICP we are extremely grateful for the opportunity to walk with the teams. It is an honor to see up close how God has His hand above and below and in His church and His workers. It is humbling to see how people dedicate their time and energy with heart and soul to God’s church.

To the question “What benefited you most?” These responses included:

  • • ‘The combination of the inspiring lectures and the meeting/discussion with your own team.’
  • • “The diversity of the speakers.”
  • • “On the constructive lessons about who God is, both personally and for the team and the church.”
  • • ‘Speech and team building. Closer as a team. Lots of time together.’

We endedthis round of Team Training with confidence. God finishes what He started.

The next Team Training is already planned. The training will start in October 2024 with Weekend 1 in Voorthuizen. Do you want to know more? Contact us.

Or register directly for the INFO webinar on May 28.

View the photos here!