By Your light we see light

Blog by Anne-Marie Dane

Psalm 36:10 For with You is the source of life; byby Your light we see light.

We are always working on color at ICP. We believe in the power of a colorful church. We look forward to unity in diversity, because we believe that God becomes more visible to the world. Revelation describes how all kinds of different peoples stand before the throne of God. It is striking that they are all dressed in white. That doesn’t seem so colorful… Until you consider the science of colors. God has made something in His creation in a brilliant way, so that it becomes visible how diversity is necessary to see God in His fullness.

Color is light
According to science (of physics), color is a light phenomenon. You see color because your brain ‘reads’ signals from your eyes when your eyes perceive light.

Black is not a color, it is the absence of light. A ‘black’ night sky is only black after it has become less and less light during the evening.

And white is not a color either. White light is light in which no color can be seen, but in reality it contains all colors. If you shine all visible colors of light with the same intensity on a white surface, or look at it directly, you will consider it white.

Why white light?
And why would we actually want to see white, from a spiritual perspective of course? We don’t necessarily want to see white. We want to see Jesus. For Jesus is the light. We want to see light. Instead of darkness. As John 1:4 says: In the Word was life and the life was light for men. And as Psalm 36:10 says: By Your light we see light.

In Matthew 17 you read how Jesus is with Peter, James and John on the mountain where they meet Moses and Elijah. Before their eyes Jesus changes form. His face shone like the sun and his clothes became white as the light. The disciples offer to honor Moses, Elijah, and Jesus, but God intervenes and makes it known that only Jesus deserves all the honor.

Another physics fact: The only light that is truly pure white is unfiltered sunlight.
Like the light radiating from Jesus’ face.

And creation (and its laws of nature) teaches us that we need ALL colors to see true white light.

The spiritual perspective
If, with all the diversity that there is in our people, we shine with the same strength (read: from unity) on a white object (read: Jesus), or look at Him ‘straight’ (in Spirit and truth), you will really see Him see Him as He really is.

It works both ways: we want to live in Your light, because through Your light we see light. And the light shone in the darkness, and the darkness did not prevail against it. And we want to come together in your presence with all colors and look at You, because through all that diversity, we see the real, complete image of the Light of the World, our Lord Jesus. The unfiltered Light, the purest form of white, which only arises when all colors participate.

Tyndale and ICP get to know each other

ICP and Tyndale Theological Seminary have started the first discussions in which rapprochement is sought and cooperation is being worked on. Tyndale is an international institute, located in the Amsterdam region, where preachers and missionaries are trained. To this end, Tyndale also looks for (English-speaking) internships and ministry opportunities for their students. Within our ICP network, we look for places where these students may be able to serve.

Last Saturday, June 8, Tyndale’s graduation ceremony was held. It was a beautiful moment where we were able to see the fruits of this wonderful training. For ‘high potential leaders’ within our ICP network who may be considering a theological education in English, Tyndale is certainly a good option. Possible financing of the training and further details can also be discussed.

Feel free to write to us if you have someone in your community who might benefit from this. Please also let us know if you have room for English-speaking interns.

Send an email to

Book tip: Love between two cultures

How does it affect your relationship when your partner comes to the Netherlands for you and has to develop roots here? How do you deal with overly helpful Dutch parents? Or with discrimination by the in-laws? How do you raise children between two cultures?

Corina Mushikangondo-van der Laan takes you into the everyday practice of intercultural couples and illustrates patterns and pitfalls. She also draws on her own marriage to Congolese husband Claude. She is a certified EFT relationship therapist and specialized in intercultural relationships.

Want 5 euros off her book? Then, before it comes out this summer, send an e-mail to

National Safe Church conference on November 12 in Veenendaal

On Tuesday, November 12, 2024, the Veilige Kerk foundation is organizing the first national conference. Under the theme ‘Safe Church – a hopeful perspective’, the organization wants to take a big step forward together with church leaders, Christian organizations and church workers to prevent abuse in churches and involved families.

The conference will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in De Basiliek, Veenendaal and admission is free. Participants only pay a contribution towards the costs of lunch and drinks. Reservations can be made on

In addition to joint parts, the varied program consists of various workshops in which participants can work on their own or explore a specific theme in more depth. During the main program Rinke Verkerk – author of ‘Het hele dorp wist het’ – shares her experiences about the role of bystanders in sexual abuse. The chairman is a TV presenter and author Marleen Stelling. In the period leading up to the conference, we will continue to add the names of people who will participate.

During two rounds, participants can choose from seven different workshops, such as ‘Getting started with the step-by-step plan’, ‘Vulnerable leadership’ by Oeds Blok, Transgressive behavior in the Bible by ministers Almatine Leene and Jeroen Sytsma, and an introduction to Bystander Training.

Information and meeting
Various organizations present themselves on the spacious information square that are working to combat inappropriate behavior in churches and families.

More information about the Safe Church Foundation can be found on the website Veilige kerk.