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11 September 2024

Retreat day for preachers and pastors – ‘Learn from Me’

November 18, 2024 – De Wittenberg in ZEIST – Retreat day Migrant Church, for multicultural pastors. Register quickly, early bird – discount until November 1! Check the website for more information.

Everyday practice all too often robs us of time. In particular, time of rest. Can you make a different move? We serve the Creator of time: what does Jesus want to teach you, so that you can find rest in your life and ministry?

Come to the special, multicultural retreat day on Monday, November 18 at the Wittenberg in Zeist and find that place in seclusion with like-minded people. Come to rest and receive nourishment for your soul in the hustle and bustle of your work together with colleagues from different churches and cultural backgrounds.

Prayer, rest and space. In every corner of the church, in every culture, the pastor with a responsibility for pastoral care needs a place to become silent.

Led by retreat leader ds. Niek Tramper, we seek prayer, peace and space with preachers and pastors from different church and cultural backgrounds.

Do you have any questions? Mail Esther van Schie: